Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sleep is overrated...

That's right...the staple phrase of any college student, "Sleep is overrated."

We must have the funky-est (if that's a word) sleep schedule of any generation.  We stay up until 2/3/4am and have to wake up for class with only a few hours of sleep...yet, somehow we get through the next day and do it all over again.  Why? Is it because we like falling asleep in class? Well, maybe if it's boring, but usually not!  Is it because we have some higher ability to function with a lack-of-sleep?  This clearly isn't possible if we're falling asleep in class.  Or is it because we're basking in our new found freedom without parents?  While quite plausible, I don't know about you, but a week's worth of basking and I'm ready to go back to kindergarten nap time!

I think the real answer is that we are just too dang busy!  The phrase should be more like, "Sleep rocks, but look at all the other things I have to do!"

There are days when I get back to my room after having meetings/rehearsals/class until 11pm...and then I can start homework (or procrastination).  After a few hours of Facebook, email, YouTube, a little homework, and socializing, I finally get to sleep and wonder where my day went!  Well...the answer is that it went to all the 'stuff' we cram into our lives!  Not that the 'stuff' isn't awesome or worth the lack-of-sleep, but it's no wonder sleep is the first thing to go!

So you may be wondering, what is the purpose of this little diddy on sleep?  Well...considering the fact that it's almost 3am and my brain is starting it's nightly chant of "Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep..." that gets progressively louder as the morning wears on, I've literally got sleep on the brain.

But for the moment, I have decided to ignore that chant and......*drumroll*......start a blog!  I have written a few blog-like updates in the past (when I studied abroad and interned), but I've always wanted to have a blog that was just a happy (and sometimes sarcastic) commentary on life!  A place to tell funny stories, rant about some uncontrollable facet of the world, or reflect on a faith-filled moment in life.

So, I hope you enjoy my simple, sweet musings filled with smiley faces and exclamation points... :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey! You just started a blog tonight? Me too! Small world! ;)
