Friday, December 17, 2010

Laughter in the Living Room

"Let's just keep it between us gals, hey?"
This is the pleading cry I heard coming from my visiting friend, Sarah, after we reviewed a hi-lar-i-ous picture, taken while playing "The Game" be explained.

Let me start by saying that Kelsey (my roommate), Sarah, and I decided to have a sleepover tonight since it's the last night of the semester before we go home for the holidays.  And of course we had to all sleep in one bed; unfortunately, our itty bitty twin beds would definitely not fit all three of us.  Sooo, naturally, we dragged our mattresses into the living room and pushed them together to make one giant floor bed!  Oh the things you get to do in college :)

Well, we also wanted to document our fantastic sleepover, but were having quite a few problems taking a picture of ourselves while laying in our mattressfloorbed.  You know...when you try to take a picture of you and your friends at night and it's dark so it takes three billion tries to get it centered but it's still so awkward and close because it's only an arm-distance away and you all end up looking like you just got run over by a bus....yeah, those are the kind of pictures we kept ended up with--there was always one of us who was unsatisfied with it!

Finally, we called Joanna (my other roommate) over to take a picture of us and I had the brilliant idea, "Let's just make goofy faces, because then if we look terrible it will be on purpose!"  So we decided to play "The Game."

"The Game," for those of you who don't know, is when you contort your face into a bunch of wacky shapes continuously until the picture is taken.  The point is that you never know exactly when the picture will be taken and you end up with some of the funniest pictures ever.  If you've never played "The Game" before, I suggest you try it as soon as possible, because you will never want to go back to normal pictures again! (It is that good...or bad...depending on how embarrassed you get.)  The best part about "The Game" is that you never quite know what you're going to end up it's like a surprise picture!! :)

So...we prepped our faces, began contorting...and *snap* Joanna took the picture.  Of course we were all giggling before we even saw it, but NO ONE could have prepared us for the picture that was soon revealed....  After taking the camera back from Joanna, we immediately zoomed in on our faces and literally....we died from laughter...

From my crippled-looking hand and face, to Kelsey's disappointed look, and Sarah's squished-up-tongue-face-and-neck...we were a mess!!  It was some of THE BEST "Game" faces I had ever seen.......We continued to laugh/cry/pee our pants for the next five minutes, and every time we'd start to calm down a bit, I'd just hold that picture up again and...BAM we were off on another uncontrollable fit.

Needless to say, I know this story would be a million times better with the actual picture, but I have a depressing announcement....the picture was deleted by none other than Miss Sarah herself!  Possibly out of embarrassment, possibly to protect herself from dying of laughter...we'll never know.

Regardless, I unfortunately cannot show you the picture, and so I imagine this post won't seem very relate-able. However, I hope you still enjoyed reading about our late-night living room laughter and if you leave this blog post with only one thing, I hope it is a new motivation to play "The Game" so that you too can experience your own night of hilarity and embarrassment :)

I've also included a couple of my favorite pictures from other times we played "The Game"... enjoy! :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sleep is overrated...

That's right...the staple phrase of any college student, "Sleep is overrated."

We must have the funky-est (if that's a word) sleep schedule of any generation.  We stay up until 2/3/4am and have to wake up for class with only a few hours of sleep...yet, somehow we get through the next day and do it all over again.  Why? Is it because we like falling asleep in class? Well, maybe if it's boring, but usually not!  Is it because we have some higher ability to function with a lack-of-sleep?  This clearly isn't possible if we're falling asleep in class.  Or is it because we're basking in our new found freedom without parents?  While quite plausible, I don't know about you, but a week's worth of basking and I'm ready to go back to kindergarten nap time!

I think the real answer is that we are just too dang busy!  The phrase should be more like, "Sleep rocks, but look at all the other things I have to do!"

There are days when I get back to my room after having meetings/rehearsals/class until 11pm...and then I can start homework (or procrastination).  After a few hours of Facebook, email, YouTube, a little homework, and socializing, I finally get to sleep and wonder where my day went!  Well...the answer is that it went to all the 'stuff' we cram into our lives!  Not that the 'stuff' isn't awesome or worth the lack-of-sleep, but it's no wonder sleep is the first thing to go!

So you may be wondering, what is the purpose of this little diddy on sleep?  Well...considering the fact that it's almost 3am and my brain is starting it's nightly chant of "Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep..." that gets progressively louder as the morning wears on, I've literally got sleep on the brain.

But for the moment, I have decided to ignore that chant and......*drumroll*......start a blog!  I have written a few blog-like updates in the past (when I studied abroad and interned), but I've always wanted to have a blog that was just a happy (and sometimes sarcastic) commentary on life!  A place to tell funny stories, rant about some uncontrollable facet of the world, or reflect on a faith-filled moment in life.

So, I hope you enjoy my simple, sweet musings filled with smiley faces and exclamation points... :)