Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Loud Peace

Sometimes, the most peaceful moments in life are actually the loudest.  It's somewhere in the excess noise and stimuli that we find an inner quiet.  Driving with the windows down, wind in my ears, sun on my face, and radio blaring, I can feel the peaceful presence of God.  Sitting next to a rushing waterfall amid noises of children laughing, couples talking, and dogs barking, I am surrounded by a complete calm.

Why is it that we sometimes feel most peaceful when our environment is so loud?

Maybe it's because we allow our inner voices to turn off for a moment when the world around us is making so much noise.  When it is quiet around us, our own thoughts tend to fill the void and take over.  But, when it is loud, the environment drowns out our own thoughts, worries, hopes, fears, and leaves us with....nothing.  A complete calm.  An enveloping peace.

Maybe it's God reminding us to just shut off our energizer-bunny brains that just keep going, and going, and going.  There's no room for His wisdom, grace, or peace when our mind is full of our own junk.

So, as I sit on this rock hearing the rushing water in my ears, I think about....nothing.  I let the water take away my thoughts, eliminating doubt, worry, anxiety, stress, and even joy.  And I am left with the complete quiet of God's peace.